Contact Information
Name *
Phone *
Professional / Educational Background
This picture will be used to introduce the whole team to the students in our social media accounts
Please select your field of expertise *
We will be meeting before the event and throughout the weekend. We expect our mentors to be in person during the event.
Please, use this section to indicate your availability.
Here is the list of mandatory meetings we will have before the event(Time TBA):
Section 1: Feb 25th -2h in person meeting with the organizing team to learn about how mentoring will work, content that you need to utilize and what tools you will use during the event.
Section 2: March 4th - 1 hour in-person meeting to go over the agenda, expectations and clarify any doubts. *
Select which days and periods you will be available. *
If you have any dietary restrictions please select one of the below: *
Will you be driving to campus and need a parking pass? *